Rock Music Fan 
6. Judith Regan asks Aiden Shaw how he has sex with men who repulse him: 6. in the series of probing questions a...
 Rock Music Fan 
Judith Regan on Michael Jackson Molestation Allegations on SIRIUS XM: Best-selling publisher and SIRIUS XM host ...
 Enzo Pontrelli 
Judith Regan - Roger Ailes Told Me To Lie To The Feds To Protect Rudy Giuliani 
 kat kallou 
Is Judith Regan Still America’s Most Fun-to-Hate Mid-DecadeJudith? | VF Daily | Vanity Fair 
 Lauren G 
@ Doubt it. If they could keep Andrea Mackris quiet, they can keep Judith Regan quiet.
 25th Century Girl 
i wonder if the tape of Roger Ailes talking to Judith Regan will ever leak.....
 US Reality Check 
Records Say Fox News Chief Told Employee to Lie: Roger E. Ailes was the executive who Judith Regan said enc... nyt
 Eva Zatrak 
The key to successful aging is to pay as little attention to it as possible. ~Judith Regan
 Jason Cornett 
@ But... but... Scooter Libby! (shit, that just meansJudith Regan will take the fall, doesn't it?)
 Rock Music Fan 
5.Judith Regan interviews Aiden Shaw: 5 Judith asks Aiden to share the thoughts and feelings he has when faced w...
 Jenna Shulman 
 "Roger Ailes Accused of Asking Judith Regan to Lie to Feds" 
 DJ Darse / BuddaCash 
The key to successful aging is to pay as little attention to it as possible. Judith Regan BUDDA 
There's A Report Going Around That Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Is About To Be Indicted  via @
 Betty McGuire 
JUDITH REGAN: FOX Boss Roger Ailes Told Me To Lie To The Feds To Protect Rudy Giuliani  via @
I write a piece on what the Judith Regan/Roger Ailes letter is about Friday, Blodgett writes a similarly themed piece Sunday. Coincidence?
NEWS CORP'S WEAK STATEMENT ON ROGER AILES: JudithRegan's New ...: [T]he spokeswoman, Teri Everett, said News Co...
 Dennis Lane 
JUDITH REGAN: FOX Boss Roger Ailes Told Me To Lie To The Feds To Protect Rudy Giuliani  via @@
NEWS CORP'S WEAK STATEMENT ON ROGER AILES: JudithRegan's New ...: [T]he spokeswoman, Teri Everett, said News Co...
 D. H. Freedom 
@ -anybody questioned Judith Regan associations? Soros meet with Ailes & tried to intimidate him to take Glenn off Fox.
 Scott Downen 
Judith Regan's New Story Is That Roger Ailes Did Not Tell Her To Lie  via @