untypicalboro anthony vickers
Predictable photoshop fun as the Guardian's Gallery smash it up at the expense of Gray and Keys http://tinyurl.com/4w2zhdz
bbccomedy BBC Comedy
Scared you're sexist? Take our test. (On a scale from 1 to Andy Gray): http://bbc.in/eziKVC #UrgentGenius
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fabio_capello_ Fabio Capello
Andy Gray has been offered a contract for being a voice over in the Yorkie Bar Adverts.
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TSFGuardian Secret Footballer
Read why I won't be applying for Andy Gray's job in today's Guardian http://bit.ly/eAtokh
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ApertureImage Chris
Richard Keys and Andy Gray | The Gallery | Football | guardian.co.uk http://t.co/2dCFJpH
footbaLLove footbaLLove
Andy Gray ve Richard Keys'e geçirmece http://www.footballove.com/2011/02/01/the-guardian-andy-grayrichard-keys-gallery/
alan_p_martin Alan Martin
Amazing work on Andy Gray and Richard Keys from the boy Kaz! RT: @letmeseethatkaz bit.ly/i4yk0E My name in lights (again)
RollOnFridayWeb RollOnFriday
RT @LinderMyersLaw: Our latest article online: Sexual discrimination in the spotlight after Andy Gray's sacking http://bit.ly/fnbkNe
anotherwhitemug anotherwhitemug.com
BBC News Sacked presenter Andy Gray backed by BNP's Simon Darby - The British National Party's former deputy... http://bit.ly/hwkLWb
bitterwallet bitterwallet
The striptease tie that never quite made it to Sky Sports: Thanks to Richard Keys and Andy Gray, sexism has neve... http://bit.ly/ekfwHR
The_Orange_Tree Orange Tree
Just received an email "How to avoid an Andy Gray type crisis". I would have thought that would be fairly easy: don't be a sexist old git.
iaing88 iain garrity
@petiteroselle without sounding all Richard keys or andy Gray...you play rugby???
braian182 Braian Ortiz
Los 5 temas más buscados en Twitter: 1-Andy Gray firing 2-Justin Bieber 3-Lady Gaga 4-Australia Open 5-NFL
PaulClemson Paul Clemson
@sylvowolves I'm not sure, some bloody girl, Andy Gray would have none of it.
nottmmatt Matthew Reed
@IanJamesPoulter they all have to learn the out if bounds rule, damn that Andy Gray!
LeBigSillah matarr sillah
@mef82 sarah palin's ppl...I thank God I don't watch america media no more...fifa is much better. "Some little body English" - andy gray
simonjward Simon Ward
It's #zooday. In this issue: Kayla Collins' first post-Ashley interview and shoot, we give Richard Keys and Andy Gray the ZOO treatment...
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